
Shot by Hyeong Jun K.

in Seoul, South Korea

The exaggerated scale of a shadow, like the one cast by the tree, can add an element of interest to a stark landscape.

 App used: Camera


Shot by Gabby K.
in Snoqualmie Pass, WA

Soft lighting and a focus on reflections can add a dreamy, ethereal quality to a photo — here, they create the illusion that the subject is almost floating.

Apps used: Camera, VSCO Cam®

Shot by Dan C.
in British Columbia, Canada

Some photos defy easy interpretation, like the abstract pattern captured here. The layers of detail present — bubbles, reflections, and moving water — invite viewers to create their own interpretations.

Apps used: Camera, Instagram

Shot by Andrew P.
in Phoenix, AZ

This desert shot takes full advantage of the warm reds and oranges of sunset, capturing a beautiful range of tones with a limited color palette.

App used: Camera

Shot by Brendan Ó.
in Copenhagen, Denmark

Shooting from an unexpected angle can add an interesting twist. Here, it creates contours in the lines that convey a sense of movement to the viewer.

Apps used: Camera, Snapseed

Shot by Cory S.
in Lake Cushman, WA

The presence of human subjects in a natural setting like this forest creates a more relatable sense of scale and emphasizes the height of other elements in the photo.

App used: Camera

